As I reach upward, not knowing what I may find……
A box falls into my hands
Though it has been longer hidden then embraced
It somehow resembles all of me
When I hid it, I thought I would also forget
But it has haunted all of my thoughts
It been so long since I’ve played………………………
I am temped
Though I’m not sure by what; Of playing or of hiding
For though I know my inadequacy will show
No one is watching
And while I would rather push the box back, and pretend it doesn’t exist
Something inside of me brakes, and the tears again begin to fall
When I gave it up it broke my heart……….
How can I take it back?…………..
Yet deep within I feel hope
And the remembrance of a great joy fuels my desire
I brush away the dust
And stare in awe at such beauty……….
Though I hid it well, it still burns deep within my soul
And though I know it will never sound the same………………….. I still long to play
My heart pounds within me, and my tears continue to fall
All fear and doubt fade, as I embrace forsaken identity
My feet are my instrument
Dance is my song
And as I begin to move, I am overwhelmed at His pleasure
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