Poetry and ramblings from a dark season

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Her hand
Piercing needle across my face……
It hurt little compared to invisibility

But I chose it
The absence of need. Bitter independence
I let her wear the glasses
I hid the weeping well

And though I wanted her to fight for me
She could not see ………
My voice being silenced
Vulnerability hidden away
Independence replacing invalidated need

Soon coping became pain that I couldn’t deny
So I tried to fill myself with the one that fills

But that also has left me broken….. And my heart continues to bleed
Through the masquerade of wholeness
Through the vision of what should have been

I hide myself away
I cover my eyes to love
For every time, the walls come crashing down
Leaving me with greater pain

I run in circles, lost in the subconscious oblivion
Unsure of what is truth……..